(Move to ...)
Dire Wolf and Quagga
Thylacine and Thylacoleo
Pyrenean Ibex and Bubal Hartebeest
Irish Elk and Bush-Antlered Deer
Honshū Wolf and Epicyon Haydeni
Tarpan and Dinohippus
Caspian Tiger and American Lion
Woolly Rhino and Elasmotherium
Woolly Mammoth and Smilodon
Warrah and Aurochs
Dodo bird and Western Black Rhinoceros
Giant Cheetah and Thylacosmilus
Indricotherium and Andrewsarchus
Passenger Pigeon and Japanese River Otter
Formosan Clouded Leopard and Saudi Gazelle
Cave Bear and Short-faced Bear
(Move to ...)
Dire Wolf and Quagga
Thylacine and Thylacoleo
Pyrenean Ibex and Bubal Hartebeest
Irish Elk and Bush-Antlered Deer
Honshū Wolf and Epicyon Haydeni
Tarpan and Dinohippus
Caspian Tiger and American Lion
Woolly Rhino and Elasmotherium
Woolly Mammoth and Smilodon
Warrah and Aurochs
Dodo bird and Western Black Rhinoceros
Giant Cheetah and Thylacosmilus
Indricotherium and Andrewsarchus
Passenger Pigeon and Japanese River Otter
Formosan Clouded Leopard and Saudi Gazelle
Cave Bear and Short-faced Bear
Animals around the world are going extinct and if something is not done soon we will lose all of them. We humans have hunted animals to ...
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