10,000 - 1909
After the ice age snow and ice melted, the northern parts of the continents became colonised by new animals as old animals went extinct, including the Tarpan (tar-pan). The Tarpan was a subspecies of wild horse that lived 10 thousand years to the 1900's. The Tarpan or Eurasian wild horse was most likely the ancestor of the domestic horse of today.

After the ice age snow and ice melted, the northern parts of the continents became colonised by new animals as old animals went extinct, including the Tarpan (tar-pan). The Tarpan was a subspecies of wild horse that lived 10 thousand years to the 1900's. The Tarpan or Eurasian wild horse was most likely the ancestor of the domestic horse of today.
A breeding project was made to try bringing the Tarpan back to the modern world, and they are (in a way) successful. The heck horse is the result of the breeding and it is pretty close to the original Tarpan, but it is impossible to bring a species back from the dead, at least for now.
North America
The most common horse in North America was the Dinohippus (di-no-hipp-us) that lived 10.3 to 3.6 million years ago. The name Dinohippus means 'powerful horse' yet the Dinohippus is not the ancestor of the modern horse, tho it is the closest relative to the equus ((e-qu-us) modern horses, zebras, and donkeys) compared to other extinct horses at the time. The Dinohippus looked like a cross with the pliohippus (fy-lo-hipp-us) and the equus.
Dinohippus often had one toe on each foot but sometimes they had three feet on each foot. Despite the name Dinohippus was not 'dino' size, it was only about 12-14 hands tall at the withers (top of the shoulder), and in horse terms Dinohippus was a pony.
nice ponies.