

Pyrenean Ibex and Bubal Hartebeest

Pyrenean Ibex
Pyrenees , Andorra, France, and Spain mountain ranges
 3,000,000 - January 6, 2000 - January, 2009
The Pyrenean (Pie-re-neen) Ibex (I-bex) is the only extinct animal to go extinct twice, yep, the last Pyrenean Ibex died in 2000 and cloned in 2009, unfortunately only for 7 minutes do to lung failure. The Pyrenean Ibex was one of the last animals to go extinct in the 20th century, even though it was protected there weren't enough breeding pairs left due to over hunting. The last Pyrenean Ibex, Celia died on January 6, 2000 because of a tree that fell on top of her during a large storm.
 Spanish ibex compared to Pyrenean Ibex
 The Pyrenean Ibex is the sub-species of the spanish ibex meaning that the Pyrenean Ibex was not far apart enough to be considered a new species, it could still interbreed with the spanish ibex. The spanish ibex has four sub-species, and two are extinct.

Bubal Hartebeest
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Middle East, Morocco, Tunisia, and North Africa
- 1950
The Bubal Hartebeest (bu-bal heart-a-beast) was domesticated by Egyptians 3,000 years ago for food and sacrifice. Now it's extinct because of over hunting in the 1900's. It was thought that the Bubal Hartebeest went extinct in 1923 until they were found in the wild, then in 1950 the French hunted them to extinction.
 The word 'hartebeest' comes from Afrikaans (which originated from the Dutch language) and was originally called 'hertebeest'. The name was given by the Boers (the descendants of the Dutch-speaking pastoralists (pas-tor-a-lists), in what is today South Africa) who thought it resembled a deer, which is called 'hert' in Dutch. 'Beest' is the Dutch word for the English 'beast'. 'Hartebeest' can be literally translated into 'deer beast'.


  1. Your grammar could use a little work.

  2. I know. I have a few friends to help me with it, The reason I often miss stuff is because I'm Dyslexic and spelling mistakes are common with me. It would have been nice for you to point out mistakes that you spotted though, though I will have my friend look over it and correct the stuff he sees.
    Thank you for making me aware of this.

  3. I really like your descriptions of these extinct animals! They are concise and to the point. I like that. I don't care if there are spelling mistakes because to me, that's not the point of this blog.

  4. It's not the 20th century, it's the 21st century. :)

    1. The Pyrenean Ibex first went extinct in the 20th century. The 21st century started on January 1, 2001. But the second time it went extinct you would be right.
